The first month is always tricky, even for the experienced SEO professionals.
Your 1 to 2 weeks go into detailed keyword research and URL mapping (including feedback timing).
Still, it’s your first month so if you can show some ranking improvement, you can really impress your client or even onboard other services of performance marketing (If you are offering).
Here are 5 (Ethical) things to do in the first month of your SEO project to get quick results.
Step 1: Finish your Keyword Research and URL Mapping.
- I always use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to figure out the top 20% pages by traffic and 20% bad performing pages and finish keyword research URL mapping for these pages.
- After the keyword research, I decide on 2 target keywords for each page. 1 primary keyword and 1 secondary keyword.
- Take Approval from the client and freeze the keyword-to-URL mapping sheet.
Step 2: Analyse Content and ask for new content as per your ranking goal.
- Analyse the present ranking of targeted keywords and review if your content is good enough to rank in the first position of Google.
- You need quality and quantity both to rank in the 1st position on Google.
- Based on your analysis, send the requirement to the client or content writer whoever is responsible for it.
Step 3: Finish HUM (Heading + URL + Meta) for this pages.
- After giving content requirements, create a recommendation for URL, H1 (Page Heading), Meta Title and description. (Don’t forget to check the present ranking before creating recommendations).
- Once your recommendation is approved, get it implemented asap. Probably before the end of the third week.
- Once the changes are implemented, test the changes and submit the URL for crawl using Google search console.
Bonus Tip : Before submitting the URL on the Google search console, do share the URL on social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business, LinkedIn and Twitter.
There are other SEO elements to optimize but I always prefer to follow and finish the HUM method in the first month.
You are all set to see some growth in the present ranking.